Thursday, May 24, 2007

Do It

Do it.

"Excuse me?" I ask,

looking up from my book.

No one is there

so I dive back into the novel.

Do it.

I can't believe

I'm about to do this.

But I answer the teacup on the table,

"Who me?"

Yes you. Do it.

"Do what?" I ask.

And I begin to worry about myself.

Talking to a flower like this.

You know. Do it.

"I don't know what

you are talking about."

And I check to make sure the server

is not watching me.

But I must admit,

the teacup is more interesting

than the plot of the book.

Do it.

I finally pay attention.

"OK," I say. "Really.

Do what?"

What you want. Do it.

I sigh.

What does it mean? Do what?

Change jobs?

Take the vacation?

Start the novel I'm afraid to write?

Contact the friends I lost touch with?

Is it telling me

to run for office?

to get a checkup?

to pay my bills?

I sigh again.

"Please tell me," I say.

"What thing should I do?"

Do it. Order pie.

[A poem inspired by this week's prompt at Poetry Thursday, "imagined dialogue in poems"]


Clare said...

Very cute -- and I love the ending!

Regina said...

Hee hee! I loved this! Next time someone tells me to "do it", I'll order some pie!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Oh gosh, I can totally relate to that one!

Lisa Cohen said...

LOL. So did you? And what kind?


sister AE said...

thanks, everyone, for your comments.

ljcohen -
often and i'm not terribly picky. years ago i ate pie twice a day on a vacation in Nova Scotia!

~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

This is so made me smile!
Glad to have found you! I'm cuious too, what pie did you have?
~Alexandra's Friend~

~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

I just had to come back...I saw my very favourite quote in your profile-
'The Moving Finger Writes, and having Writ....'

I grew up with that! My dad taught me some of Omar Khayyam's work by heart...I love memories like this!
So, for you, I've posted a few of my other O.K favourites.
~Alexandra's Friend~