Monday, June 30, 2008

WordPlay for Read Write Poem

[Read Write Poem's prompt this week was described as "wordplay." We were encouraged to create a poem from a constrained list of words and several suggestions for obtaining those lists were given. I don't currently have any of my sets of magnetic poetry out, but I do own several sets (most a work, just one set at home). Instead of setting up my own magnetic poetry for this, I went to the magnetic poetry website and created a poem. I've also included some of my older poems created with magnetic poetry kits.]

First my new poem called Eternity through a Window, created with the Poetry Kit at Magnetic Poetry. (Click the image to see it a bit larger over at Magnetic Poetry's website, but don't forget to come back here for my other poems.)

I constructed the following back in 1999:

Near Spring

near spring
but still in the white void of winter
recall the lazy language
of sleepy summer sun
whisper the delirious petals from the garden
smell the dream of hot storms
and sing a vision of sweaty light

And also this one:

Sausage & Eggs

she frantically cooks sausage & eggs
when she aches for
the juice of sweet luscious peaches
to lick languidly from her skin
lazy in the flood of summer sun

And this one too:


lazy mist from the sky
delicate to watch
falls into a thousand frantic beats
rain sprays

please stop
a lake is not essential

Not to mention this one using words from the Genius Kit (full of big words - it even came with a glossary):


Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, I love these and yes you are very good at them!

sister AE said...

Thank you, Andy! I do love a good puzzle, and given time, I can find a story in the words presented.

Anonymous said...

You opened up a new window for me! Thanks!

You are so good!

from the palms of my hand, you stand tall

sister AE said...

Hello, Gautami. Thanks so much!

Maria said...

You are so much better than this than I am. We have a huge bag of magnetic things and Liv and I are always trying to make up new ones to put on our fridge.

My latest was:

She took the rambling rose up to the sky in a pink tea cozy.

sister AE said...

Thanks, Maria! but you haven't seen my rejects! I like yours though I wish I knew why she was going to the sky.