I remember taking off the lid, then breaking through the plastic that sealed everything inside. I removed that and the thin padding and before my eyes could take it in, my nose started speaking to me. It told me of a slightly earthy smell, sweet and smooth, maybe something more.
Then my eyes played across the rows, taking in the smooth shapes, with a bit of shine to them. I recognized the bumps and the swirls.
The hard part was deciding which was first. And which to save for last. I remember that, and sharing some. But now there is one left.
With the lid open, my nose rushes ahead of me. Dark and round and smooth and waiting for me. I pick it up and put it in my mouth, on my tongue. No biting, this has to last. It starts to melt and the smell deepens. The top of my tongue is covered, now the sides, now underneath and I swallow. The weakened shell breaks and the even darker inside melts too.
The sugar-fat-cocoa slides around my mouth, not at all in a rush. Taking its time to coat my mouth and I swallow some more.
And finally there is no more to swallow. Just a lingering taste and smell. A box of promises, indeed.

[Inspired by Sunday Scribblings, thanks to Dan's for the picture]
Sheer pleasure of the melted taste...ah...Loved this. I too love those darkest deepest things...
Stranger in the Mirror
Excellent description you have crafted. It had a semi-erotic nature to it that was very interesting, I'm not sure if that was intended. I enjoyed reading it!
Yum yum yum. Great writing -- your words were actually more provocative to the senses than the yummy photo of the chocolate truffle!
I resisted buying one of my old favourite chocolate eggs in the store today, but I couldn't resist this sweet post despite my sugar abstinence. I trust this is not the kind of taste that will lead me to wanting more :)
So glad you wrote about chocolate -- I hope more people do; it will balance out the fears and anxieties! Chocolate has always been a reliable antidote. Wonderful description. Thanks.
luckily I have some deep dark chocolate in the flat just now ....
dark deep delights...lovely! from a fellow chocolate-fanatic
I am the ultimate chocolate lover, and I thought of chocolate when I saw the prompt this week. Alas, I'm not the dark chocolate lover. I'm the lover of the looked-down-upon-by-many milk chocolate.
Loved your post.
Hee hee... a lovely tasty post... now where's my chocolate?
I adore good chocolate. The darker the better. Thanks for this great story.
my mouth is watering!
You paint a tasty picture with your words.
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