Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dear Diary

[Inspired by Sunday Scribblings]

I've finally done it. I wrote a sonnet. I will likely play with this a bit before I'm finally done with it, but I share it with you anyway.

Dear Diary

What do you know now, oh journal of mine?

I tell you my secrets, my loves and my rages.

I scribble them down on your simple lined pages.

Have you absorbed each confessional line?

Do you grasp omens, read hints as a sign?

Am I dumb as a stump? Am I wise like the sages?

Will my shadow be long through the subsequent ages?

Or will all my foolishness wilt on the vine?

Or am I bother, a joke or a jest?

Do you resent all my writing in you,

Wishing instead for bright paint, not black ink?

I hope that you like me, and do not detest

That I share with you all that I feel and I do.

Giving you up would sure drive me to drink.


gautami tripathy said...

It looks like a fine sonnet to me. The rhyming words are very good.

Rob Kistner said...

Ass kicking poem!

sister AE said...

Thanks, Gautami. I tried to keep the rhymes simple so that I could pay attention to the meter.

Rob, all I can say is, "thank you."

January said...

Nice job on the sonnet. I especially like these lines:

"Am I dumb as a stump? Am I wise like the sages?
Will my shadow be long through the subsequent ages?"

Maybe because I can relate.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

sister AE said...

Thanks, January. And you are welcome.