Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Late Limerick

Mad Kane is once more providing inspiration for limericks. These days she is providing a first line, our job is to complete the poem.

I've been busy, but finally finished the prompt from last week (now that the next prompt is posted). Oh, well. Here it is anyway.

There once was a guy with no hair
who wandered with nary a care.
He heard no one's jeers
due to fur in his ears.
It had moved from up top to in there.


Mad Kane said...

Fun one! I'm so glad you joined in!

Sleepypete said...

Lol - that one drew out a big chuckle :-)

sister AE said...

Thanks, Mad Kane! A limerick was all the poetry I could handle when visiting the nephew last weekend!

Hi, Sleepypete. I'm glad you like it.