Tuesday, February 19, 2008


[Read Write Poem asked us to write an ode on a body part (pick a part - any part). This piece isn't close to my heart (!) but it will have to do as a start. Read about other body parts here.]

Paean to Papillae

Without you sweets would not be sweet,
and bitter would be bland.
I need your help for sour treats,
and salty needs your hand.

Of course I speak of papillae,
ten thousand strong or more.
I do not jest - I mean it really -
my taste buds I adore.

And now the fifth of senses that
papillae can convey
to round the tasting far from flat
umami saves the day.

With taste buds I have shared such meals
as you may never know
From cheapest eats to rare ideals
without them - oh, my no!

I can't image eating out
or even eating in
without them - no there is no doubt
I love them like my kin.

We taste together dishes fine,
from first course to the last.
We share a favored glass of wine
of vintage unsurpassed.


chicklegirl said...

What a superb title--and a charming poem!

Andy Sewina said...

I really enjoyed reading this!

Crafty Green Poet said...

excellent choice of body part - life would be so much less interesting with out them!

sister AE said...

Thanks, chicklegirl. I couldn't resist the title.

Hello, Andy and Juliet. Thanks.

Deb said...

I love finding novel ideas and words. Fun reminder how lovely even the smallest part of our body is.

sister AE said...

hi, ...deb. Well I'm not sure they are lovely to look at, but they sure make my chocolate taste good!